Things that make me happy right now:
1. That Esther got into pre-K! It meant Shaun had to camp out for 16 hours but we got in. This means no more paying for preschool which leads to #2:
2. We are finally buying a new car. While this doesn't really make me happy (more like angry), I'm glad we have made a decision especially since I keep thinking I'm going to leave the front half of my car behind every time I go anywhere.
3. That Publix now has store-brand organic milk. I buy lots of organic products, belong to a CSA, and generally consider myself an environmentalist however I couldn't really afford organic milk since we go through a gallon every 2-3 days and it costs $6/gallon. But the store brand changes everything. Plus I tend to be a store brand sort of person because I have a hard time knowing my money is going into vast marketing tools of necessities and development of more corn-based products.
4. In the same vein, Kroger now offers a much more extensive store line of organics. Go us!
5. That I am going camping with the girl scouts this weekend! I remember my first campout and I am eager to spread the love to girls who live in the city.